13. Међународна конференција о достигнућима у машинству и индустријском инжењерству
ДЕМИ 2017
Бања Лука
26 - 27 мај 2017


1. Svetlana Lazarević Petrović, Fakultet za strateški i operativni menadžment, Serbia

The main idea of this paper is reflected in consideration the changes and challenges that Higher Education (HE) System in Serbia has been already faced for ten years. Like the other social processes the process of HE isn`t subject of a strict rules, and therefore during the implementation of a new model some difficulties and deviations appeared to the proposed one. These difficulties and deviations mostly stem from the specificities of Serbian society, and the influence of the former HE system on legislators, creators of the system, academic staff, as well as the students themselves who were mid-studies when the new system began to be implemented. The main objective of this paper is comparative analysis of projected and actual innovations, practical occurrences and results obtained after the new system of HE came into place. Also, it will be examined future challenges that area of HE will be faced. Taking into account the fact that the new system of HE has been around for ten years, and several generations of students have already acquired academic and professional titles, so it is possible to analyze the performance and consequences of implemented changes.

Кључне речи:
changes and challenges in higher education, improving of higher education, future chalenges

Тематска област:
Квалитет и екологија

Датум пријаве сажетка:

13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Сажетак рада